Xerez Wavelet
About Xerez: Super balanced male in mentality, loves every visitor. His passion for work is outstanding (aporting from water, working in forest). Excellent results of health tests; full dentition in scissors bite. Strong body with straight legs, excellent proportions, big male head and expression. Xerez will be available at stud for approved & health tested bitches from 6/2025.
Rodokmeň | Pedigree
CH.GIB Quixote De Quebrantatinajas (ES) |
CH.ES Jalapeno De Rubio Alfaro (ES) |
Boj De Rubio Alfaro (ES) |
Ancla De Gaidovar (ES) |
JCH.ES Moud De Quebrantatinajas (ES) |
Tizon (ES) |
Vito Del Rabadan (ES) |
C.I.B CH.SK-CZ-HU-SRB JCH.SK-CZ-HU Ibiza Wavelet (SK) |
BIS, C.I.B, Vet.CH.SK-CZ-ES CH.SK-CZ-HU-PL-SRB-LUX Vet.WW-21, WW-16, WW-15, EUW-14 JCH.SK, JWW-13 Rayaragua Billabong (ES) |
CH.ES Coco De La Galea (ES) |
JCh.LUX Rayaragua Dolce Gabana (ES) |
C.I.B, CH.SK-CZ-HU-PL, JCH.SK Delicatessa Wavelet (SK) |
WW-12, CH.ES-GIB-PT-FR Mahatma Gandhi De Los Cerros De Quinto (ES) |
C.I.B, CH.SK, JCH.SK Uvane De Valneboeiro (ES) |
Výstavy | Shows
Mesto/Town | Dátum/Date | Type | Trieda/Class | Rozhodca/Judge | Výsledok/Result |
Brno (CZ) | 16.02.2025 | CACIB | mladých/junior | František Korda (CZ) | Exc.1, CAJC, JCACIB, BOJ, BOS |
Brno (CZ) | 15.02.2025 | CACIB | mladých/junior | Boris Pegan (HR) | Exc.1, CAJC, JCACIB, BOJ, BOB, C.I.B-J |
Budapest (HU) | 09.02.2025 | CACIB | mladých/junior | Gopi Krishnan (MY) | Exc.1, CAJC, JCACIB, BOJ, BOS, JCH.HU |
Budapest (HU) | 08.02.2025 | CACIB | mladých/junior | Laurent Pichard (CH) | Exc.1, CAJC, JCACIB, BOJ, BOB |
Budapest (HU) | 06.02.2025 | CACIB | mladých/junior | Erdosz Laszlo (HU) | Exc.1, CAJC, JCACIB, BOJ, BOS |
Nitra (SK) | 26.01.2025 | CACIB | mladých/junior | Jozef Jursa (SK) | Exc.1, CAJC, JCACIB, BOJ, BOB |
Nitra (SK) | 22.12.2024 | CACIB | mladých/junior | Vladimír Piskay (SK) | Exc.1, CAJC, JCACIB, BOS |
Celje (SI) | 05.10.2024 | EDS | mladých/junior | Luis Catalan (PT) | Exc.4 out of 4 :))) |
Košice (SK) | 28.09.2024 | Spec. | dorast/puppy | Csaba Denk (HU) | Very promising 1, BOB Puppy, BIS 1 Puppy |
Lučenec (SK) | 12.05.2024 | CACIB | šteňa/baby | Pawel Osak (PL) | Very promising 1, BOB Puppy, Puppy CH.SK |
Lučenec (SK) | 11.05.2024 | CACIB | šteňa/baby | Jozef Jursa (SK) | Very promising 1, BOB Puppy |
Viničné (SK) | 20.04.2024 | KV | šteňa/baby | John Thirwell (UK) | Very promising 1, BOB baby, BIS 1 baby |
Potomstvo | Offsprings

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